Each business must try different strategies to get more eyes on its products and services, and one of the most effective strategies is a marketing tour. A marketing tour is a great way to travel and target your audience wherever you go, but you must also plan your vehicle route to get the most advertising. Location is important, so find the places that work best for your unique business!
Determine Your Target Audience
The first part of planning your vehicle route is analyzing your products and services and determining your target market. By figuring this out early, you can know where to take your tour to find your market instead of going to tour stops that don’t achieve anything.
For example, if you’re a tech startup marketing your services, you may want to stay closer to major metropolitan areas instead of isolated rural communities. You will get more people’s attention, and those people will be more likely to use your products. Some people in rural communities may fit your target demographic, but stopping where you can target more potential consumers is much more fruitful.
Decide Between Tight-Knit Communities or Spread-Out Cities
Another question you must ask to ensure you get the most advertising is whether you need to stick to tight-knit areas or more spread-out cities. Do you want to stay in one metro area or state and target your audience there or venture out of the state to target more areas? It wouldn’t be wrong to say that going to more cities is smart, but this strategy extends the length of your tour by a lot, and half of that time is going to be spent driving.
Alternatively, touring one area can boost your reach. You can stand out in more people’s minds and even obtain valuable word-of-mouth marketing when customers tell others to look at your display. Both options have their pros and cons, so it all comes down to what’s best for your business.
Minimize the Commute
To get the most advertising, you must also minimize your commute. As we mentioned, you might choose to go to different states and cities, but all of that driving can take a long time. When planning, find a way to minimize your commute or choose alternate routes where you can touch on other popular cities. For example, if you want to hit Houston, Denver, and Los Angeles, it may be smart to add other stops so you’re not spending too much time driving. Stops in Dallas and Las Vegas can pad out your trip and ensure you’re driving less and advertising more.
One of the first and most important parts of a marketing tour is planning a vehicle route so you get the most advertising, but it’s easier said than done. If you’re interested in taking your business on the road but aren’t sure where to go or what to drive, come to us at CGS Premier. Our event marketing vehicles are perfect for hitting the road, and once you know where you want to go, everything else will simply fall into place!